Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 7" Micro Turbine Lantern Oil Rig ( Out of Stock ) MSRP: Was: Now: $114.95 Micro Turbine Disc Stemline Lantern Oil Rig 7" Tall 50mm Diameter 5mm Wall Thickness 10mm Female Stemlless Joint Turbine Disc Filter Quartz Banger Domeless Nail INCLUDED This Lantern features a smaller 50mm lower difussion can with natural...
Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 3" Micro Bottle Disc Rig Oil Bubbler MSRP: Was: Now: $34.95 The Micro bottle series is Black Sheep's smallest sized rigs. This model features a hand cut disc diffuser and a splash guard. 3" Tall 2mm Wall Thickness 24mm Diameter 10mm Male Stemless Direct Inject Quartz Domeless Included
Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 10" Sand Castle Drop Bucket HD Honeycomb Disc Stemless (Out of Stock) MSRP: Was: Now: $119.95 10" Tall 16mm Mouthpiece 14mm Female Clear Joint Stemless Joint 38mm HD Honeycomb Disc Filter 75mm Bottom Can 5mm Wall Thickness Heavy wall Thick 14mm Clear bubble bowl included This Sandcastle features a 38mm Drop Disc Filter Honeycomb Disc...
Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 14" 44x4 Water Pipe with Maria Bowl ( Out of Stock ) MSRP: Was: Now: $54.95 Black Sheep 14" 44x4 Water Pipe with Maria Bowl
Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 10" Sand Castle Series Stemline to Turbine Disc MSRP: Was: Now: $119.95 This Black Sheep Gallery Sand Castle Turbine Stemline Water Pipe features 10" Height 75mm Lower Diffusion Can 50mm Upper Diffusion Can 50mm Turbine Disc Filter 16mm Double Side Fire Slit Stemline Filter 14.4mm Female Ground less Clear Glass...
Compare Quick view EVO 8" Micro Mini Gridded Glass Waffle Perc Bubbler with 14.4 Removable Mouthpiece MSRP: Was: Now: $54.95 EVO 8" Micro Mini Gridded Glass Waffle Perc Bubbler with 14.4 Removable Mouthpiece This EVO Glass bubbler features a down fire gridded UFO perc.Each slit has been fire polished and gridded to provide maximum diffusion.This bubbler is perfect for flower...
Compare Quick view EVO 7" Glass Hammer Head Side Fire Perc Downfire 14.4mm Fitting with Removable Mouthpiece MSRP: Was: Now: $64.95 EVO 7" Glass Hammer Head Side Fire Perc Downfire 14.4mm Fitting with Removable Mouthpiece This EVO Glass bubbler features a side fire hammer head perc.Each slit has been fire polished and to provide maximum diffusion.This bubbler is perfect for flower...
Compare Quick view Black Sheep Black Sheep 12" Genie Bottle Bubble HD Honeycomb Disc Stemless ( Out of Stock ) MSRP: Was: Now: $119.95 This Black Sheep Genie Bottle Honeycomb Stemless Glass Water Pipe features: 12" Height Quad Maria Ring Mouth Piece Large 5" Bubble Diffusion Chamber 38mm HD Honeycomb Disc Diffuser 5" Squish Bubble Bottom 14.4mm Female Natural Perc Stemless Clear...
Compare Quick view GRAV Grav Labs Flare Water Pipe w/ Fixed Downstem 9" - Black (Out of Stock) MSRP: Was: Now: $79.95 Grav Labs 9" Flare Water Pipe w/ Fixed Downstream - Black Grav Labs has redesigned all of their standard water pipes to have a lower water line and a better pull. What was once the plainest of designs, the Flare base has been given new life with a...
Compare Quick view GRAV Grav Labs Upright Bubbler w/ Tungsten Showerhead Downstem - Black (Out of Stock) MSRP: Was: Now: $89.95 Grav Labs Upright Bubbler w/ Tungsten Showerhead Downstem - Black This Bubbler is built to be the economy class go-to table top piece from Grav Labs. Following the same form as the two smaller bubbler designs, this pipe has a fixed downstem that has...
Compare Quick view 14" Cone Tube Shower to Circ Perc (Out of Stock) MSRP: Was: Now: $149.95 his is what you get when you cherry pick the best aspects of a tube, a beaker, and a worked bong and put them all into one pipe with no apologies. The Cone Tube to Cerc Perc water pipe features some of the best innovations in glass in one piece...
Compare Quick view Diamond Glass Diamond Glass 7" Double Circ Mini - Blue (Out of Stock) MSRP: Was: Now: $124.95 Diamond Glass 7" Double Circ Mini Yet another interesting piece from Diamond Glass. The Hang Man is a smaller two-stage dab rig that has separated circ percs. The top perc is shifted over slightly to ensure that no splash back gets in the kinked...